Mark Cuban contributes to AlchemyNFT’s $6 million SAFT campaign.

Devendra Singh Khati
2 min readJul 31, 2021


  • AlchemyNFT, an NFT utility initiative, has received $6 million in finance from Mark Cuban and others.
  • According to CEO Victor Zhang, AlchemyNFT intends to expand its staff and offer additional products.

AlchemyNFT, a cryptocurrency startup that allows users to add usefulness to their non-fungible token (NFT) holdings, has received $6 million in investment.

According to AlchemyNFT creator Victor Zhang, the money was obtained through a combination of angel and seed rounds via a Simple Agreement for Future Tokens (SAFT) sale. According to Zhang, significant investors in the fundraising include Capital, Framework Ventures, Mechanism Capital, LongHash Ventures, and billionaire entrepreneur Mark Cuban.

With the new funding, AlchemyNFT intends to grow its existing workforce of 13 to roughly 20 people in the near future, according to Zhang. “We’re adding a few core team members to help with expansion and to move faster on R&D,” he explained.

According to Zhang, AlchemyNFT intends to develop additional products based on its TokenScript technological foundation, which helps improve the functioning and usability of blockchain tokens.

Signing autographed NFTs

According to Zhang, AlchemyNFT’s initial product is AutographNFT, a platform that allows anyone to have their NFTs digitally signed by their favorite people, increasing the value of their NFT.

Zhang, for example, recently asked Ethereum developer Vitalik Buterin to sign his NFT titled “The Alchemist.” Last Monday, Buterin signed and then attested the NFT using his Twitter ID signature. In 2018, Zhang stated that he discussed attestation technologies with Buterin.

The Ethereum community awarded Zhang The Alchemist NFT three years ago as a Gitcoin Kudos — tokens distributed as presents between Gitcoin community members. Zhang subsequently titled his NFT project after the NFT he was given.

The founder stated that he intends to make the platform available to the public as a service. He also mentioned that the attestation technology used by AlchemyNFT is presently being used in the ticketing mechanism for the next Ethereum developer conference Devcon.

“Remixing NFTs is a game-changer,” Zhang stated. “Whether it’s owners adding music or autographs to their NFTs or markets where musicians reward fans with redeemable rights.” It adds a new dimension of liquidity and utility.

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Source: TheBlockCrypto

